I often get enquires about my services from women thinking of making the change to a more natural, healthier option of birth control. I get so excited because my mantra of “let’s change the world one woman at a time” makes me feel like I am getting there. Albeit slowly, but I am getting there.

Sometimes the enquiry stops at the cost, which got me thinking. So I went and looked around and I thought, let’s put this into perspective:

(Doctors all charge different rates so you might pay less in some cases and more in others, but this should give you an idea.)

The Pill on average costs you R180 per month. Yes, medical aid sometimes pays for this, but please don’t kid yourself – it still comes out of your savings. So even though you do not have to fork out the R180 every month you still do have to pay for it. You have to use it every month for as long as you don’t want to not fall pregnant. So per year it’s about R2160.

The Mirena on average costs between R5000 – R7000. This needs to be changed every three to 10 years, depending on the device. Inserting it comes with some pain and the side effects for some women can be awful.

The Copper T is about R1100. Again, it needs to be changed and it can come with about three weeks of bleeding after the insertion.

So, here’s my question: why do some enquiries stop when they hear that my package deal costs R2600? It’s a once-off cost and you are educated for life. You’re given all the information you need to not fall pregnant. There are NO side effects, no pain, no extra bleeding and no killing of your sex drive. So why do some women walk away when they hear the cost?